//roastoup.com/4/6838986 One of the designers of Soyuz-2, Sergei Deryugin, died - HfAutomachinary

One of the designers of Soyuz-2, Sergei Deryugin, died

The NGO emphasized that Deryugin made a great contribution to the development of rocketry. His work is associated with the successful development of a number of naval missile systems and the serial production of control systems for the Soyuz-2 family of rockets.

General designer of the Research and Production Association (NPO) of Automation named after. Academician Nikolai Semikhatov (part of  Roscosmos ) Sergei Deryugin died on May 21 at the age of 83. This was reported on the NGO website.

Deryugin was born in February 1941 in Voronezh. In 1963 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electrical engineering. The next year, he began working as an engineer in the calculation and theoretical division of the Automation Research Institute. Later he was appointed to the post of first deputy general director of NPO Automation for Science, and in 1997 he became its general designer.

Deryugin received the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize in 1985. He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" in 1981, the medal "Veteran of Labor" in 1989, a diploma of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency in 2001, the Gagarin Badge (Roscosmos) in 2011, a diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region in 2012 year.

Over the 60 years of his professional activity, Deryugin made a great contribution to the development of rocket technology, writes the press service of the NPO. The successful development of a number of naval missile systems and the serial production of control systems for the Soyuz-2 family of rockets are associated with it.

The Soyuz-2 family of rockets successfully launches spacecraft into orbit and delivers cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). For example, the Russian Aerospace Forces recently launched Soyuz-2.1b from the Plesetsk cosmodrome with Defense Ministry satellites on board.

The association added that Deryugin “also made an invaluable contribution to the creation of an analog-digital modeling complex on which flight control programs for NPO Automation products are being tested.”

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